The new Government guidance for schools allows us to return to largely normal operations in September, although this is subject to change; there are also some things that have worked even better than before over the past 16 months, which will remain in place. All being well, we will be able to move to the following arrangements:
- All classes will start at the same time, with main gates opening at 8:50am and classroom gates and doors opening at 9:00am:
- Nursery will go in through their front door as usual;o Reception will go in through the main playground gate and then the wooden gate as usual;
- Year 1 will be met at the small courtyard gate, as they are now;
- Year 2 will go through the side gate by the bike racks and be met at their classroom door;
- Year 3 will go through the side gate by the bike racks and be met at their classroom door;
- Year 4 will go through the main playground gate and be met at the back door as usual;
- Year 5 will go through the main playground gate and be met at the mobile entrance;
- Year 6 will go through the main playground gate and be met at the ramp into their room.
- Similarly, all classes will finish at 3:30pm, with the main gates opening at 3:20pm.
- All children from Reception to Year 6 will eat in the dining hall (or outside if they are packed lunch and the weather allows it) as normal.
- Children will be able to mix with different classes and play in different areas so please make sure that they have a change of footwear for breaks and lunchtimes as the weather turns in the autumn.
- We will be able to have assemblies and will re-introduce celebration assemblies for parents, along with other share sessions and family events, as soon as possible.