We are incredibly proud to have such a kind and caring team of staff at Laureate (you can find out more about what we do to make sure that all of our children are happy, safe and able to learn in a positive environment by reading our new Relationships Policy, replacing our old Behaviour Policy, on our website).Most of the time, your child’s class teacher(s) or a member of the office team will be able to assist you with any queries that you may have; however, from time to time, you might need the help of a member of our Senior Leadership Team:
- Mr Perkins, our Headteacher, is also one of our Deputy Safeguarding Leads and our Senior Mental Health Lead.
- Mrs Dalton is Deputy Headteacher, as well as being our Designated Safeguarding Lead (which includes being the Online Safety Lead, Prevent Duty Lead and Designated Teacher for Children in Care); she is also our Curriculum Leader if you have any questions about what is being taught across the school.
- Mr Knapp is our new Assistant Headteacher, which includes being Key Stage 2 Leader (responsible for Merlin, Owl, Jackdaw, Robin and Falcon Classes); he is also Maths Leader along with Mrs Fisher.
- Mrs Mower is our Early Years Leader (responsible for Butterfly and Bumblebee Classes); she is also our second Deputy Safeguarding Lead.
- Mrs Abbott is our Key Stage 1 Leader (responsible for Hedgehog and Rabbit Classes) as well as being English Leader along with Mrs Baker.
- Mrs Bursey is our SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator) and is also Music Leader. Other members of staff who you may want to speak to for particular help or advice include:
- Mrs Wright, who is our Librarian.
- Miss Hawes, Ms Palmer and Mrs Wright, who are our Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (in consultation with you, teachers can refer a pupil to one of our ELSAs if they need extra help with their mental health and wellbeing, as well as developing social skills, resilience etc.).
- Clare Appleby, our Family Support Practitioner, who works on Thursdays and Fridays to support children and families with anything from wishes and feelings to parenting courses and signposting towards financial and other support.