Changes to the start of the day from September 2022
15th July 2022
Changes to the Start of the School Day
Last month, we wrote to you as part of a consultation on changes to the start of the school day, in line with
the latest Government legislation. Following feedback from staff and parents, we can now confirm that we
are making the changes that were proposed; therefore, from Monday 5th September, the start of the school
day will be as follows:
• 8:50am: The gates and classroom doors will be opened.
• 9:00am: The gates will be closed, and the register will be taken.
• 9:00-9:10am: Pupils who arrive during this time will be marked as late.
• 9:10am: Pupils who arrive after this time will be signed in for the purposes of fire drills etc., but the
morning session will be marked as an unauthorised absence on their registration certificate.
As proposed, we will keep Nursery opening times the same (starting at 9:00am) in order to match Government funded sessions (15 and 30 hours).
We will be writing to you in September to reinforce the importance of good attendance and punctuality, so
please make sure you adjust your morning routines to ensure that you arrive on time every day!