Welcome to Religious Education
Why is RE important?
Religion is an integral part of many cultures and can provide opportunities to learn about global issues and historical events that changed the world.
It also relates directly to events going on in the world today. Events children will see on television and social media. It is important that students have the ability to manage media and understand it factually and objectively.
It is important that children are able to gain a coherent knowledge of religious beliefs, traditions and celebrations, enabling them to value their own beliefs as well those around them in the local, national and global community.
Aims of the RE Curriculum
The Agreed Suffolk Syllabus for RE focuses on learning about and learning from religion and belief:
Learning about religion and belief
- acquiring knowledge and developing understanding of Christianity and the other principal religions represented in Great Britain
- developing an understanding of the influence of beliefs, values and traditions on individuals, communities, societies and cultures, and of how religion can influence the lives of people who embrace it
- developing the ability to consider and reflect on religious and moral issues in order to make informed choices in the context of a growing knowledge of the teachings of the principal religions represented in Great Britain.
Learn from religion and belief
- developing awareness of the fundamental questions of life raised by human experiences, and of how religious teachings can relate to them
- responding to such questions with reference to the teachings and practices of religions, and to their own understanding and experience
- reflecting on their own beliefs, values and experiences in the light of their study. •help pupils develop a positive attitude towards other people, respecting their right to hold beliefs different from their own, and towards living in a society of diverse religion and belief
- enhance their spiritual, moral, cultural and social development.
Our RE curriculum is developed to provoke challenging questions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, the self and the nature of reality, issues of right and wrong, and what it means to be human.
We give children opportunities to develop their knowledge of Christianity and other principal religions and world-views.
We encourage pupils to learn from and challenge their own ideas about the diversity of different religions, beliefs, values and traditions whilst affirming their own faith or search for meaning.
Schools have to teach RE but parents can withdraw their children for all or part of the lessons. Pupils can choose to withdraw themselves once they’re 18.
Local councils are responsible for deciding the RE syllabus, but faith schools and academies can set their own
Please click on the attached Curriculum Handbook to view the Intent, Implementation and Impact of our Curriculum.